Archive for July 12th, 2010

July 12, 2010

Dinosoars and Dummys

Hello again I know its been awhile since I’ve posted, unfortunately I’ve come to the conclusion that I have the worlds worst camera. I know its sad, but true, hopefully I’ll be getting a new one so I can promise you guys regular posts. Moving on, I realized while walking around Wal-Mart that something pretty silly is going on..


Warning labels, we see them everywhere where always reading them for kicks and giggles, but I mean come on do we really need them. I guess there was probably some person who wasnt watching their kid and the kid decided to use Wal-Mart shelves as a jungle gym. Then when that poor little kid fell and broke something, then the mother heard kaching kaching and got a lawyer so she could sue. That’s how these things usually go. Someone takes a sip of coffee burns their tongue, now McDonald’s has a CAUTION THIS DRINK IS HOT warning, gosh some people are just crazy.Whats the silliest warning label you’ve ever seen?

              The real reason I was at Wal-Mart to begin with was to buy band aids though. To be honest I’m a total klutz. I’ve broken ten bones, my tenth was one of my toes which I broke like a week ago. While picking out band aids though I was truly having a hard time deciding between sponge bob and toy story band aids, I was having a silent debate with my self and to be honest people where looking at me like I was insane, but hey when you have options like sponge bob and Toy Story its worth it. So I ended up choosing…


Toy Story!!!, what truly won me over was that they had the aliens and Rex, come on how could you say no to aliens and dinosaurs, I know I cant ( I’m a wimp).  Also my brother started grumbling for me to hurry up (he’s so impatient) so I had to choose fast, although I hate being rushed. I headed out of Wal-Mart entertained and happy about my dinosaur bad aids, although my brother was embarrassed because in the middle of Wal-Mart I was breaking the box open and searching for the dinosaur and alien one :)!

Well having to decide over those bad aids wore me out, so I’ll see you guys later, have a great week!